The Quartzsite Roadrunners Gem & Mineral Club offers many classes for your enjoyment and learning. Only MEMBERS may take classes. Class fees differ depending on the class. Classes cost $4 or $5 per half day club fee at a minimum. Costs for supplies or other expenses may also be charged. Most classes require members to sign up in advance. Sign-up sheets are found in the Craft Barn or in specific shop. If you sign up and later discover you cannot attend, please take the time to cross your name off the sheet or call the instructor and let him/her know you are not coming. Many times there will be a waiting list for cancellations.
Instructors for our classes are volunteers. They come to Quartzsite and begin their classes at various times. Thus, classes offered for the current season and class schedules are not necessarily available when the club first opens in November.
Our first club meeting is the last Thursday of October. We try to make information about classes available at that meeting.
Last season we offered the following classes: Knapping, Stone Carving, Lapidary, Various Metal Smithing classes, Steel Knife Making, Leather Sheath Making, Leather Tooling, Faceting, Opal Cutting, Glass Fusing, Wire Wrap, Beading, Bead Making, and Basket Weaving. Many of these same classes will be offered this season.