Club Facilities

Our club facilities are perhaps the largest of any club in Arizona. We have full equipment for lapidary, casting, metalsmithing, faceting, opal cutting and glass fusing. We also have a classroom and an open cool cover area for teaching classes that require only hand tools.

You must be a member to use any club facilities. You must be 18 years old or older to become a member.

Before any member can use the equipment for lapidary, metalsmithing or faceting, they must attend an orientation. New members must also take a general orientation. General orientation is held each Thursday morning at 8:00am in the Craft Barn.   Be there early to get registered and buy your membership. Membership costs $20 per year.

Metalsmithing, lapidary and faceting orientations are held every Thursday morning at 9:00am in the applicable shop area. For new members you can take the general orientation and one of the other orientations on the same day. Be sure you sign up in advance for the shop orientations or you may not get in. Orientations are free except for metalsmithing.

Click on image below for larger view.

Welcome to the club’s newest building this was added to our clubs properties this year and completed by many volunteers.

We are excited and already using this new space to the fullest. We had our first club meeting in this new location and blew out the doors with all the members in attendance
